The microwave oven is a remarkable cooking appliance that aids
you to make time for all the other errands that you would rather be performing.
This is because it cooks so speedily and whole meals get ready so rapidly that
you will have time to watch your preferred television program and read stories to
your kids every night. Also, the food cooked in the microwave oven is healthful
with all vitamins and minerals integral. All that it necessitates is getting
the recipe timings correct. The solo microwave
has a magnetron tube that is responsible for producing high-frequency
microwaves out of electricity. Microwaves are similar to radio waves or
light waves and are a form of electromagnetic energy. They are able to act on
the food molecules which vibrate and get heated because of the friction instigated
and this cooks the foodstuff. Since microwaves are tasteless, colorless and unscented
they do not affect the taste of the foodstuff. They heat only the foodstuff and
not the bowl.
Microwave oven
cooking is speedy cooking since the food positioned inside is exposed to heat
for a shorter period of time. This aids to retain the nutrients of foodstuff.
Vitamins are heat sensitive and get damaged when heated, but if sited in the solo
microwave the shorter cooking time aids to retain them to a remarkable extent.
Cooking on fire in a pan requires adding of water. All the water-soluble phytochemicals
and vitamins go in the water and into the drain and the advantage is lost for the
human body. Microwave ovens require much less water, and often, the water used
to wash the veggies is adequate to steam or unstiffen them, therefore keeping
the nutrients inside.
Some health advantages of microwave ovens
- Cooks speedily and least exposure to heat retains the nutritive value of fruits and veggies